Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Clean Kitchen Floors

Today I cleaned my kitchen floor. I love a clean kitchen floor. It makes me want to bake. So, I made banana bread, carrot cake cookies, and a warm yummy dinner for my family. I always try and maintain my clean kitchen floor for at least the day that I washed it. This, is probably not a good idea. So, my question is...how long does a kitchen floor stay clean in this household? Today, it was about 1 hour and 45 minutes. (Keep in mind, this was nap time and there is no activity what-so-ever during this time.) Here's what happened:

warm banana bread crumbs (from 3 out of 4 kiddos)
crumbs from the carrot cake cookies
wet banana bread crumbs spewed from a child trying to talk while eating
bread crumbs from dinner
fluffy ball strings (from the yarn ball that is slowly falling apart)
au jus spilled in a sprawling manner (from the 8 year old trying to walk it to the counter)
the muddy ladder from under the deck
the old ceiling fan coming down...dust..screws...
the outside shoes that are now being worn on the muddy ladder
crumbs from the bedtime snack...did I mention it was a blueberry cereal bar?

It makes my frustrated explanations seem ridiculous...."I just washed my floor!" I think the lesson learned is, I am going to be thankful that underneath all the crumbs and dirt, I still have a clean floor. For at least another day. Don't you think?


LadyD said...

Yep, you are right, Clean=No Bacteria crawling everywhere. Crumbs, they are to be expected. Get the girls a mini broom set, our kids love theirs and it makes them want to help! LadyD

kristi noser said...

Hey you had over an hour of clean, what mother-of-four can boast more?

erin said...

Cute post, CoffeeLady (I'm HaikuLady, you're CoffeeLady...)!
Keep them coming.
I wonder how long Carla's "lived in" kitchen floor stays clean. It's about the same at our house, and we don't have kids...scary!

erin said...

p.s. Don't you just love a "lived in" home?

zcoffeegirl said...

Yes, I do, especially one that has a warm oven with something yummy in it for the kiddos.

Carla said...

A mere 25 minutes I am guessing.

rt said...

I love the feel of a clean floor on bare feet! Our all time really clean floor record was 6 hours. Tim finished it about midnight and no one got up all night! Count crumbs on the floor as a blessing that there is food in the cupboards and no mice in the basement! tee hee