Friday, November 2, 2007


I'm in the mood to get rid of stuff around my house. We are quickly outgrowing our home, four children, and lots and lots of stuff. My dream weekend would be alone in my house for three days...crank the Chiptole for at least five of the meals...and just go from room to room and sort, pitch, organize....clean. Some people dream of warm sunny vacations...and I just want to be home alone in my house organizing my life. Hello, my name is Sheri and I am an ISFJ.

I'll play my own therapist here for a minute..part of it is a desire to control some aspect of my life. When my surroundings are in order, then inside, I feel like I have order. V~ do you have a deeper analysis for me...knowing your knowledge of ISFJ's?


Tia said...

I am at that point in my life too. I did get a HUGE dumpster at the end of the summer and just started dumping. It felt good--really good. But I still need to do more, so your idea sounds GREAT! Espcially with the tunes and Chipolte--I could eat that everyday for every meal.

Hope you get your little "dream" vacation. Love you girl!

-V- said...

Well... the 'home alone' is definitely consistent with your 'I'. Your 'S' is practical, down-to-earth, and stationed on the here and now - so when your physical surroundings are chaotic, your life feels that way too. Makes sense that you've identified cleaning as something that would help your sanity. Offhand, I don't see your 'F' being a huge player in this, except that your'e free from expending energy on considering what others think as part of your decision-making processes. And - your 'J' is all over this thing. Control. Closure. Clarity. Organization. Your 'J' is probably the driver here. When I get like that, I make a list to get myself started. Even just having a list is a kind of balm... :-) Consider yourself analyzed. (Having said all that, I'm sure there are plenty of people from all the other 15 MB types who would be with you in longing for the same type of weekend - for different and similar reasons). :-)

zcoffeegirl said...

You are one smart cookie, V. Thanks.

Reegz said...

Ha ha! My hubby took the kids to the cabin a couple weeks ago and I did just that! It was awesome! I got rid of a lot and felt much better. Now, I didn't do the Chipolte thing but I hear if you wear a tinfoil thong in there you can get a free one. One meal covered, for free. :o)

zcoffeegirl said...

Is there such a thing about holy envy? Wow.....a whole weekend...good for you!