Thursday, February 26, 2009

Flip charts...

I have this flip chart of verses right by the kitchen sink. I'm there 90% of the day so this works well. I have had this verse there for weeks. I can't seem to flip it because I want this to permeate my soul.

fill me with all joy and peace as I trust in You, so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

Little by little, the darkness of anger and disappointment is going away. The light of Jesus is slowly rising like the most beautiful sunrise approaches. I love how His light chases away the darkness. It's totally in slow motion which I'm growing to appreciate. At first, I wanted the darkness to flee quickly. My DH kept telling me that the struggle had a purpose and to keep hanging on. Little by little, I can see that as well.

So as the sun rises, his love chases the darkness away, and trust seeps in with beautiful warm rays of light. When trust comes back, so does hope and hope does not disappoint. Hope gives me the courage to fight another day. The battle is fierce and sometimes it is very ugly and dark, but the darker it gets, the brighter Jesus is. And the tighter I hang onto to Him.


Andrea said...

I love that!! It is darkest just before morning. :) That's what makes the sunrise so beautiful. :)

LadyD said...

Joy in all circumstances is a hard thing. That was actually our reading for tonight's Latte study. The author quoted Proverbs 17:22, A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Literally. She shared that the word Joy is found 167 times in God's word. And encouraged us to look them up and try to memorize verses on Joy so that "real joy" will be worked into our hearts. "If you have reason to be hurt or discouraged and yet you sing with thanksgiving, this is a true sacrifice of worship to God." She finished with, Psalm 107:22, "And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing."
You do a good job of this my friend~
Thanks for sharing:)

Unknown said...

The whole thing is great but your last paragraph is magic - I can relate . Great post!

zcoffeegirl said...

A...I forgot that. Thanks.
L...thanks for the encouragement.
P...the magic is Christ's is amazing.

kristi noser said...

beautiful picture.